Personality, confidence, charisma, flare - whatever you want to call it, is by far the best way to set a great impression with your interviewer. Smile, be upbeat/high-energy, and be engaged! Interviewers absolutely love it and it shows excitement for the role and company. This works well because people love to feed off the energy of others, even if they don’t know it. Being the first person someone is interviewing for the day and displaying a big bright smile, will brighten up your interviewer’s day and heighten your chances of landing a second interview. Interviewing can be nerve-racking, but with the right energy coming into it, it does not have to be. Try this out and see, then find me and let me know which offer you’ve signed off on!
Company Knowledge:
This should be a given, however, sometimes people tend to neglect this step. Word of advice: do not. Having a great personality is fantastic, but that won’t be enough to get you into the door. Having company knowledge shows that you have done your homework and that you have an interest in the company you’re applying for. A great go-to for company research is looking at their mission statement and values, financials (annual/10K report), and company news/press reports. Having this under your belt gives you more talking points and helps to make you seem much more competent. This is a step that you are never going to regret doing! DO. YOUR. RESEARCH!
Follow Up:
When it comes to interviewing, following up is key to keep you in the loop after your interview. Truth be told, certain roles may be looking at hundreds of applications and interviewing multiple people at a time. If you do not follow up, there’s a big chance that you will be forgotten and that automated rejection email will come soon enough. Following up can be as easy as giving a quick thank you, asking any further questions that you may have, or simply recalling the details of the interview. This also opens up a great opportunity to network outside of the interview space and make a potential connection! Perhaps you didn’t get the role this time, but since you followed up they remember you, so they may recommend you for another role! Opportunities truly become endless once you break down that initial wall. Always remember to take a few minutes after your interviews to send a follow-up!

Baldwin Lawson: Media & Communications Contributor,
Young Ambitious One, LLC
Career Advice, Business, & Entrepreneurship
I am a finance professional, specializing in consulting, marketing, and content creation. I write about career advice, business, & entrepreneurship. I’m here to learn, motivate, inspire others, and create!